Physical Testing, Emotional Results

Muscle testing is a safe, in person, non-invasive assessment tool that is highly effective in identifying underlying emotions, beliefs, patterns or physical pain that may be contributing to emotional distress. Muscle testing provides a way for us to read certain emotional blockages in the body and pinpoint the root cause so you can experience quick and lasting relief.
Backed by Science
The science of muscle testing was originally developed in the early 1900’s by Boston surgeon, R.W. Lovett. He started using muscle testing to analyze disabilities in polio and nerve damage victims. Many big advances were then made in the 1960’s by Chiropractor George Goodheart who started using muscle testing for both diagnosis and therapeutic efficacy. In the late 1990’s, Charles Krebs’ scientific research and success as a kinesiology practitioner advanced muscle testing again and it was deemed as one of the world's most powerful healing therapies. Today muscle testing is widely used by chriopractors, alternative medical practitioners, NTP, Acupuncturists, physical therapists, MINDBODYTEK and many more.

How it's Done
At MBT we use the deltoid muscle for muscle testing. During the session you will hold your arm straight forward and comfortably strengthen the muscle. The practitioner will ask you a question regarding a particular emotion while gently pressing on the wrist. If you have experienced that particular emotion your arm will have a muscle shift, if not, your arm will remain strong. Because of this manual biofeedback we are able to use this as a yes/no response system to positively identify imbalances.

At MINDBODYTEK we not only look at the psychological behaviors we also address the physical symptoms as well.
Did you know that most physical ailments stem from an emotional event? With muscle testing we can specifically look at any chronic pain and identify why it happened and help you process through it.